What’s The Problem?

Problem: A lack of communication, compassion, connection and information in our society. Access and the ability to engage in these four things would make us stronger as a human race. We should be afforded these basic things in order to progress and grow in the most positive manner.

Read further for more info.


We live in a technological era. We live in a world where support is not measured so much by the actions you take, but by the things that you ‘like’ on facebook. And as much as it’s cool to ‘like’ things on facebook, ‘likes’ don’t pay bills, they don’t feed families, they don’t get people off the streets or into treatment centers, they don’t teach people how to reconnect and work together. What do ‘likes’ on facebook teach us? They teach us how to have shorter attention spans than normal. We search for key words in a post and if it peaks our interest, we ‘like’ it, and that leads us to believe that we’ve looked into something when really we’ve just gotten distracted by the Harlem Shake video or the cat picture two posts down.

The problem is that we aren’t connecting as much as we can be, because technology and American society says there’s no real reason to do it and there’s no time. Advertisements stress family and connectivity because they want you to buy what they’re selling. Not because they want you to miss a day of work and go reconnect with your parents. You know if you do that, you might be fired, right? So maybe if you buy this pinesol that smells like your mom’s house, you’ll be connected to her without REALLY being connected.

We as a society and as a human race need to either use the technology we have to connect with each other, or we really need to let go of some things and connect face to face. Life is too short and the state of the world is too uneasy to be going about our business and usual. We need to move forward together or fall back alone.

We have problems with the education system. We have problems with graduates not being able to find jobs. We have problems with people blaming the graduates and not the systems that put them in this situation. We have problems with employment. We have problems with the state of mental health and medicine. We have problems with food and water resources. We have problems with money. Where does it come from? Where does it go? We as a society have problems and we cannot afford to stay on this one way track too much longer before it hits the “tunnel” painted on the brick wall. We are humans. We are people. We are not little Wil. E. Coyotes that just bounce back and do it again 30 minutes later. We require a lot more care than businesses and technology makes it out to to seem.

So what’s the solution?  https://gsomissionhome.wordpress.com/whats-the-solution-2/

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